
Angela Talley, Ed.D

Professional Practice and Leadership

Angela resides in Middle Tennessee where she enjoys spending time with her husband and two boys. Many of their family adventures include digging in the dirt, searching for flowers, or playing superheroes-Spiderman and Captain America respectively. She is finding joy each day with the blessings God has provided for her. When she isn’t spending time with her family, you will find her snuggled in a blanket at home with her bible. She has a deep love for learning scripture and seeing where God allows her to grow in her own faith journey. She could share stories upon stories of how God has renewed her heart, continuously and deliberately growing her closer to Him. 

She serves the women at her local church and in the community by leading bible studies and small get-togethers. Her passion for serving women is to help them become disciples of Jesus.

Learn more about the services Angela provides.

Angela’s passion for teaching women is so beautiful and I feel privileged to have greatly benefited from this desire within her. I can hear and receive her direction so well because I know she has genuinely listened to my heart. Angela is not interested in just telling me what she knows. Rather, she truly wants to assist me in learning while she continues to learn herself!
— Tiffany B. Feathers
Angela’s passion to serve others is deeply rooted in her love for Christ and her desire to help women grow in their faith walk. Her enthusiasm for God’s word is apparent immediately upon meeting her, and her passion is evident. She has talents that transcend a variety of topics and can pivot to meet the audience’s needs. I’ve seen this evident many times in small and large group settings.
— Jenny Vazquez
Angela always encourages me to be better. A better leader, mother, friend, sister, whatever I am to others, she pushes me to be my best for God’s glory. Her passion to study God’s word and lead others to a closer relationship with Him is a true inspiration. I have no doubt my life is better because of Angela. She is just what I needed and an answer to prayer.